Retitled 'Blog' to Articles
A few days ago I started writing 'blog' posts for this website, starting with Welcome to v2.2 where I wrote about version 2.2 of the website. After creating my second post Decentralised Social Media, i'd started to realised that this 'blog' was much more than just me writing about the updates for this website and that I'd most likely want to write about the topics I love talking to people about (but they often don't understand).
Also on a quick update there has now been an update with our RSS feed, not only can it be accessed through our new Articles page but at the bottom of every articles page. We are also looking at how the articles could be improved in the future. We also hope to keep the articles free for everyone for ever and don't like ads so are hoping to avoid adding banner ads in the future (but will have a look at them to see if we could add them without them being in the way or annoying.)
What 'Articles' could you see in the future? -- I've been suggested a few topics that I love talking about, one obviously decentralisation or simply called 'Fediverse' in our Topic Tags. The second being gaming reviews, guides, information and more; this is a highly intresting topic to be able to talk about and I could probably work on a Gaming Article here and there, I'm not the best gamer by any means but I do know a thing or two about certain video games. I will mention now, because a Topic Type of 'Gaming' or 'Video Games' is so broad, I'll most likely made catogaries such as 'Gaming News', 'Gaming Rumours', 'Gaming Guide', 'Gaming Review' & more.
Other topics that I could get into include local (Southampton, UK) based information helping people I live and work around every single day be able to contact and share information about what they believe is important for people to see. I know that the biggest thing about me writing all of these is to help spread (hopefully correct) information, develop my skills further along with giving myself a purpose. I hope to keep this whole article system free for everyone but maybe in the future I may have to add a banner ad to cover costs or maybe even just link a donation page for those who can support the updates. Thank you all for reading and stay safe.