Welcome to Version 2.3
Welcome to Version 2.3 of the VEX.blue website, I recieved some feedback from very close friends about how the website was too bright and just seemed to have the feel of 'Apple'. This made me work with them closely to bring a new version of the website Version 2.3, this whole new Dark Theme is now the only way to view the website (currently) but in the future as I develop my skills I will learn how to intergrate a light theme as well into the site, I just want to make sure when you toggle between the two it keeps the settings through Cookies.
What else does Version 2.3 bring as I've done a little bit of work since last update a week or so back. Firstly, Retitled Blog to Articles; as we want to allow others to also write articles we have made sure our 'blog' is now titled 'articles' to not only future proof but to look professional. Secondly, we have updated the navigation bars to (when hovered over) the text goes blue to make it seem clickable.
We have also added the ability to have images in our articles as started to be seen in our last post How to Turn on Fediverse Sharing on Threads. We've also made it so when on our Video Editing page, and you go down to the portfolio; When you hover over the image of an edit it made the edge rounder and outline (blue for my edits) more brighter. As seen by the center edit in the image.
Overall i've been trying to get the whole site ready for upkeep and maintaining a website that is consitent, this is probably going to get harder and harder as we get more pages on the whole site as, as of the momemnt I write these articles along with everything else on the site through pure HTML, CSS and a tad of JavaScript. With now 26 pages including this article with at minimum 1 page beening added per-day and future plans for atleast 4 pages being worked on in the really near future.
So why have I done all of this just for a stupid website? -- We'll simply I wanted to see the extent of what I could make a 'free' website could go, as this could be a really helpful skill to use in the future for a possible service or even just to keep costs low for my own sites. Also websites are still pretty important to have for business' sometimes, as websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pintreast and Tumblr can only take you so far when it comes to customistation and navigating between services. Facebook Pages for instance can be hard to maintain but also do we really create a whole new page for each service we provide? That seems like a lot of work instead of just updating and maintaining a website.
So when's version 2.4 coming out? -- To be honest, I don't really know. Version 2.2 was a full rework from the version 1 stuff I used to do for the website, and Version 2.3 is just a dark version of 2.3 with a few added fixes and quality of life things I've started working on. I may take into consideration the next overhall I am working on as Version 2.4 but to be honest it's just a better way to view one certain service, so unless I update other service pages at the same time I'll take it as Version 2.4.1 as it's just minor fixes.
Why don't we get a change log? -- I would love to have a change log for the website but to be honest I haven't been keeping up to date with all the little fixes and changes that I've been doing, maybe that's what I should do for Version 2.4 as I effect things over time. Bug Fixes and changes are always fun to do and will most likely be lumped into the same post, so get ready for a long winded change log in the future for these updates.
What's the new service you've been teasing? -- Even know I'd love to bring the service to the light, I not only need to work on the service page, but I should also work on possible having a second service to bring to the world at the same time as bringing one service will make my service page on desktop to not look even with a image to the left but not the right leaving empty void, who knows I might make a 'More Services coming soon...' placement image for that so that people know it's still being developed on.
Anyway, before I make this into a whole essay... well even more so, Thank you for reading and hopefully see you tomorrow for a new article.