Why we use RSS

Why we use RSS

So through our last 11 articles we've had at the bottom a RSS icon, This is so if you have a RSS reader (app or website) you will be able to follow our articles directly from the RSS feed link instead of having to wait for the latest post on our Socials (What we don't always release at the moment) or keep refreshing our website each day to see if we've released the article (as we don't have a Time of Release for these yet).

Even know RSS came out in 1999 and had RSS 2.0 come out in September 2002, we haven't had a major update for RSS since then. This could be as the internet has slightly moved on from having to subscribe to someone through feeds as the invention of following or subscribing directly through Social Media has taken over since 2004 / 2005. There is still a few people that may still use RSS readers and no need to not support a technology you could support with minimal effort.

But we don't just use RSS feeds for our Articles, we actually use a similar sort of feed for podcasts, This allows for places like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music (Podcasts) and any other Podcast Listening platform to find the Podcast. This is something that we are still working out and developing for the Beyond The Blurb Podcast before we push it to the rest of the podcasts we helped get out into the world. Knowing that RSS is needed for a Podcast to truly be a Podcast, allowing you to distribute it to the multiple platforms that people may listen from is amazing and actually is similar to our Decenralised Web Article allowing for you to post in one place and it to be shared everywhere*.

Overall, we use RSS not because it's the most used system in the world for our Articles but because it's helpful for those who do use it, allowing for more traffic and updates for the articles. Along with obviously allowing us to publish our Podcasts to the world directly from our website. So we really suggest that you also use RSS for your website, even just to make it accessible for that one person.